AGE OF COLLAPSE LPs are in! Distro Update 1/19/2012

We've gotten some new stuff in our distro! First and foremost, we finally have the AGE OF COLLAPSE Burden of Beast LPs in, and limited editions are ready to ship!  The screens came out rad on these, so grab one before they're all gone, we only did 50 of 'em.  Due to delays in the [...]

Zen and the Art of Making Mixtapes

We have deployed all of the submissions we have received thus far to a drop point location, from which the mixtapes and discs will be transported to the punks in Aceh.  If you are wishing to send something directly, please email us at abortedsociety [at] hotmail [dot] com and we will let you know.  For [...]

By | 2018-03-10T11:28:31-08:00 January 13th, 2012|Mixtapes for Aceh|2 Comments

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